Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Download + Activation / Serial

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Download


Microsoft SQL Server 2019 is the latest version of Relational Database management software developed by Microsoft. One of the important features of this software is the construction and management of a relational database. Nowadays, considering that most businesses deal with big data and the volume of data is increasing day by day, in the new version of this software, it is possible to work with big data by applying clustering on large data and things such as Machine learning and implemented AI capabilities on the data. Also in this version, SQL Server can be run on new generation platforms with more performance and security than before. This software includes various services such as analysis service, machine learning service, reporting service and so on.

Key Features

  • build and manage relational databases (Relational Database)
  • virtual data storage and clustering on Big Data
  • linearization Scalable Data UDF
  • Support for Microsoft Azure
  • Setting Memory Grant Size for operators rows and hands
  • Database optimization in PMEM memories
  • Data visualization using PolyBase
  • Database transfer to other platforms
  • Removal of fixed categories in Graph databases
  • Support for Unicode and UTF-8

The 2019 version of the software is based on the previous version 2016 and was developed with the aim of expanding SQL Server as a trading platform that allows users to choose the language, data type and work on cloud environments and different operating systems. In the following, we are going to review the most important new features of this version of the famous software.

1. Visualization of data and big data clusters:

With the increase in the number of businesses and the growing volume of data, the need for a smart environment to manage them is felt more than ever. In particular, Machine Learning and AI (AI) capabilities are among the latest technologies in the world that have been managed in the new version of SQL Server.

The software provides clustering solutions for scalability of SQL Server, Spark, and HDFS carriers on the Kubernetes platform, as well as being able to read, write, and process large amounts of data from Transact-SQL and Spark.

In the new version, it is also possible to visualize data using PolyBase; So that data can be imported and processed from external sources such as Teradata, MongoDB and ODBC along with UTF-8 encryption support in SQL Server.

2. Smarter database than ever:

One of the most important new features of the 2019 version is intelligent query processing on the server. With this feature, you always know what critical workload should be run in parallel. This feature is implemented by default in the last step of database compatibility.

For example, the new version allows you to adjust the Memory Grant Size for row and batch operators. This setting modifies additional grants that reduce memory wasted and increase concurrency.

Other features of Smart Database include scalable UDF linearization. In this feature, it is possible to automatically convert UDF data to logical relationships in query calling, which ultimately increases productivity and programming quality on a large scale.

3. Database optimization in RAM:

The new technology introduced in the 2019 version allows users to write database files on a persistent memory device or PMEM with the maximum possible optimization. Database optimization for RAM reduces Bottleneck and opens up new avenues for TempDB scalability.

The new version of the software also introduces a feature called In-Memory OLTP Support, which allows you to take snapshots of databases along with file groups optimized for temporary memory.

4. More optimization with advanced monitoring:

One of the new queries introduced in the 2019 version of this software is called OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY. This query optimizes the database for sequential writing on a large scale by sequentially optimizing existing tables, reducing server workload. This feature also
allows you to better manage the resources and time of parallel processing with other queries such as REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT and WAIT_ON_SYNC_STATISTICS_REFRESH.

Monitoring features have changed completely in the new version of this software; Many commands have been added to more precisely control and restrict access, including LIGHTWEIGHT_QUERY_PROFILING, LAST_QUERY_PLAN_STATS, and sys.dm_db_page_info (database_id, file_id, page_id, mode).

5. Better experience in programming development:

With support for UTF-8 and Spatial and Graph data, this version of SQL Server offers new possibilities for more professional server development. For example, the ability to delete constants of constants in Graph databases is provided. Another new graph function that has been added is called SHORTEST_PATH, which when combined with MATCH can find the shortest path between two nodes.

System Requirements

  • Operating systems: Windows 10 TH1 1507 or greater / Windows Server 2016 or greater
  • Processor type: x64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support
  • Processor speed: 2.0 GHz or faster
  • Memory: At least 4 GB and should be increased as database size increases to ensure optimal performance.
  • Hard disk: At least 6 GB of available hard-disk space
  • Monitor: Super-VGA (800×600) or higher resolution monitor
  • .NET Framework: Minimum operating systems includes minimum .NET framework.


File Parameters Parameter Values
File name Microsoft.SQL.Server.2019.Enterprise.x64.7z
File Size 1.76GB
File format 7Z Archive
Download link Microsoft.SQL.Server.2019.Enterprise.x64.7z

Installation Guide

  1. First, download the software and unzip it.

  2. Enter the 1. Setup folder, Install the software by running the setup.exe file.

  3. After installation, be sure to enter the 2. KB4517790 folder and install the update.

  4. The software is already activated and can be used without any restrictions.

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