DiskGenius Professional V5.4.1.1178 Download + Activation / Regcode / Key

DiskGenius Pro V5.4.1.1178

DiskGenius Professional V5.4.1.1178 Download

Key Features

  • Disk partition manager: format, clone, hide, image, wipe, resize partitions.
  • Data backup: disk & partition backup protects data against loss or damage.
  • Data recovery: recover deleted, formatted or lost data from various devices.

New Features

  1. [New] Support to parse Windows Storage Pools and Storage Spaces and support to perform read-only operations to them.

  2. [New] The system migration function supports to keep existing partitions of target disk when there is enough unallocated space on target disk.

  3. [Enhanced] The partition resizing function supports to adjust the beginning location of system partition on a MBR disk.

  4. [Enhanced] Improve the fault tolerance capability of extracting files from partition backup image file (.pmf).

  5. [Enhanced] Optimize the file recovery function for FAT32 partitions.

  6. [Enhanced] Optimize the file recovery function for NTFS partitions.

  7. [Fixed] Fixed an issue that sometimes the file list might be cleared when extracting files from partition backup image file (.pmf).


Chinese Version

File Parameters Parameter Values
File name DG5411178_x64.zip
File Size 39.3MB
File format ZIP archive
Download link DG5411178_x64.zip

English Version

File Parameters Parameter Values
File name DGEngSetup5411178.exe
File Size 61.7MB
File format EXE Installer
Download link DGEngSetup5411178.exe


  1. Download cracked file crack.zip

  2. Unzip crack.zip and copy all the files inside to the DiskGenius program directory to complete the crack

    C:\Program Files\DiskGenius
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3 years ago

I cant download the English version.
Thank you

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