Design Explorer 99 SE (Protel 99 SE) v6.0.4 SP6 Download + Serial / Activation

Design Explorer 99 SE (Protel 99 SE) v6.0.4 SP6 Download

Design Explorer 99 SE (Protel 99 SE) v6.0.4 SP6 Download


The printed circuit board includes a set of electrical circuits and can be one-sided (one layer of copper), two-sided (two layers of copper) or even several layers, so that electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, ICs, etc. It is assembled on it and used for use in electronic equipment. The raw material of these boards is made of different materials such as fiber, Rogers, Teflon, Flexi Bell, etc. and are supplied with thicknesses of 0.2 to 3.2 mm. The global standard for the production of printed circuit boards is based on the UL and IPC standards, and for the design of these boards, generally softwareProtel is used. Printed circuit boards are used in all electronic products, even the simplest ones. Other types of printed circuit boards include packing wire and point-to-point construction. The printed circuit board requires additional designs to arrange the circuit, but construction and assembly can be automated. Construction of printed circuit boards is cheaper and faster than other methods of wiring as installed components, and single-section wiring. In addition, operator wiring errors are eliminated.
Everyone who deals with electronics and printed circuit boards is sure to be familiar with Protel 99 SE software . Design Explorer 99 SE software is a product of Protel, which is better known in the industry as Protel.

Protel is a schematic and circuit design software . Although there are newer, more efficient versions of Troy called Protel dxp, many people still use version 99. This software is a professional tool for designing printed circuit fiber.

Protel 99 SE is an application that is used for the designing electronic schematic and PCB layout. Schematic simulations can also be run with this application. The application can be run on almost all Windows versions ranging from Windows 95 to Windows 8.
The application is very easy to use. It has been designed and arranged in such a way that it has become very easy for the designers to work with it. Protel 99 SE is a complete integrated design suite that will allow you to transfer your design ideas into the final board layout. It supports various shortcut buttons for designing your schematic and PCB designs so that you can put your idea on workbench more quickly.


File Parameters Parameter Values
File name Design.Explorer.99.SE.v6.0.4.7z
File Size 63MB
Download link Design.Explorer.99.SE.v6.0.4.7z

Installation Guide

  1. Install the software.

  2. Register the software using the following serial during installation or after installation.


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