Installation of openmediavault – windows based nas tutorial (I)

Installation of openmediavault – windows based nas tutorial (I)

I. Why choose to build a NAS system based on Windows:

  1. The home computer needs to be turned on frequently for other purposes. If you buy another NAS host (such as Synology) or build a NAS system with another real machine, you will be wasted and not fully utilized.
  2. With the daily application, the NAS system built on the Windows system is still more convenient.
  3. Of course, if you rarely use your computer every day, you can buy a NAS host or a small server to build your own NAS system.

II. Introduction to openmediavault

Openmediavault is a next-generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It includes SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, DAAP Media Server, RSync, BitTorrent Client and more. Thanks to the modular design of the frame, it can be enhanced with plugins.

Openmediavault is primarily designed for small offices or home, but is not limited to these situations. It’s an easy-to-use, ready-to-use solution that allows everyone to install and manage network attached storage without deep understanding.

Official website:

III. Preparing to install openmediavault

  1. Download openmediavault image
  2. Download and install the VMware virtual machine,
    Reference VMware Workstation PRO 15.0 crack version download (with serial number)

IV. VMware Settings

  1. Open VMware Workstation and select File -> New VM -> Typical -> Next:
  2. Select Installer CD Image (iso), Browse and specify the path to the CD image file, then select Next:
  3. Select Linux, then select according to the downloaded version of openmediavault. I download openmediavault_4.1.22-amd64.iso, the version of openmediavault has a corresponding relationship with the Linux kernel, then you can select Debian 9 .x 64-bit or select Linux 4.x 64-bit according to the Linux kernel
    Then click Next.
  4. Set the name and location of the virtual machine to suit your needs, then select `Next.’
  5. Disk installation Default size can be set. If it is not enough, you can expand it; then select Save virtual disk as single file->Next>.
  6. At this time, you can customize the hardware to allocate the appropriate memory and CPU to the virtual machine according to your computer’s performance and needs. Of course, you can set it at any time in the future, and then click `Finish.’
  7. The virtual machine will then load the image file and launch the installer.

V. Installing the openmediavault system

  1. Select Install
  2. Choose the right language according to your needs (I choose Chinese here)
  3. Select Yes
  4. Select region China
  5. Select keyboard style Chinese
  6. Start loading the installation components
  7. Set the host name, feel free to fill in
  8. Set the domain name, feel free to fill in
  9. Set the root password
  10. Set time
  11. Select the disk where the system is to be installed. The disks are arranged in the order of sda->sdb->sdc according to the interface order on the motherboard. Generally, the default sda is selected.
  12. Start installation
  13. Set the country where the image is located
  14. Simply select the default (we choose here)
    15.Install the grub boot loader, consistent with the above selection sda
  15. Installation is complete, click Continue to wait for the virtual machine to restart
  16. After the installation is complete, we can see the ip address accessed through the webpage, followed by the login webpage username admin password openmediavault. If you want to change the web access password, you can access in Browser and set the new password in the System -> General Settings -> Web Administrator Password option.
    Of course, you can also change the password by running the omv-firstaid command from the terminal.
    As you can see, this command can also be used to set other features such as network configuration.

VI. Follow-up

We have only completed the construction of the most basic openmediavault-based NAS system. The follow-up tutorial will also introduce the various settings and components of the NAS system.

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