TeamViewer14.4.2669 Version Download + Active / Activation

TeamViewer is a remote control software that is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android operating systems. You can also connect to a computer with TeamViewer installed via a web browser.


TeamViewer14.4.2669 Download


TeamViewer is an operating system for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS, iOS, Android, Windows RT, Windows Phone 8, and Blackberry. TeamViewer can also access a machine running TeamViewer through a web browser. Although the primary purpose of this software is to remotely control the computer, it also includes contract collaboration and demonstration capabilities.


TeamViewer is available for free for non-commercial users, as well as Business, Premium and Corporate editions.

TeamViewer GmbH was founded in 2005 in Göppingen, Germany. In 2004, Permira, a UK-based private equity firm, acquired TeamViewer LLC, a software developer at GRM Software in Dehan, North Carolina. The company also offers an online backup cloud service called Airbackup.


TeamViewer Installation Package Official Website Download

The latest version of TeamViewer14 is available for download at:

Activation Tool Download

Download link:
TeamViewer Activation Tool TVTools_AlterID Download


  1. Unzip the file, containing two files TVTools_AlterID.exe and ChangeID.bat

  2. Copy TVTools_AlterID.exe to the TeamViewer installation directory

  3. You may need to change the ChangeID.bat file depending on the installation directory.

    @echo off
    taskkill /f /im tv*
    taskkill /f /im teamviewer*
    cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeamViewer"
    start TVTools_AlterID.exe -s
    start TeamViewer.exe 

    Change line 4 C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeamViewer to TeamView’s installation directory.

  4. Place ChangeID.bat in the appropriate location (eg desktop) as needed

  5. When TeamViewer is not available and you need to change the ID, just Run ChangeID.bat as administrator.


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