McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2190 Download + Active / Activation

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2190

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2190 Download


McAfee is arguably one of the world’s oldest and most well-known security companies; The company was officially founded in 1987 by John McAfee in Santa Clara, California, USA, and soon became very popular. In 2011, Intel bought all of the company’s shares and renamed it Intel Security Group, which was completely disbanded in 2014 by Intel and removed from Intel’s subsidiaries, but the company’s products remain. Are supported.

More than 700 million users worldwide use McAfee products, the range of products and solutions is very high, the latest products of McAfee for home systems include McAfee AntiVirus Plus and McAfee Internet Security and McAfee Maximum Protection, which was launched in 2014. These products will not be updated following the dissolution of the company; Therefore, in the continuation of this article, we intend to introduce a powerful and special product called McAfee VirusScan Enterprise , which unfortunately is less known among users. This product is an Enterprise version and has unique capabilities, in addition to other products of the company. , Still supported and updated regularly.

What is McAfee VirusScan Enterprise and how is it different from McAfee VirusScan?
McAfee VirusScan is McAfee’s oldest security product designed for home and enterprise systems, and the software has long been renamed McAfee Maximum Protection, but the Enterprise version of this product, designed for enterprise and workstation systems, remains the same. Is maintained and updated regularly.

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is a small security product with a simple user interface that starts by creating a workstation on the Windows operating system . This software includes two main parts, Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, and also has the ability to install various modules. This software is easily updated and takes up very little resources from the system.

Key Features

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise combines anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies to stop and remove malicious software. It also extends coverage to new security risks and reduces the cost of responding to outbreaks with the industry’s lowest impact on system performance.

Maximum defense against malware – Safeguards your systems and files from viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans, and other security risks. It detects and cleans malware, and allows you to easily configure policies to manage quarantined items.

Proactive protection from attacks – Real-time scanning ensures all your systems, including remote locations, are protected from current and emerging threats. VirusScan Enterprise also guards against buffer-overflow exploits that target vulnerabilities in Microsoft applications.

Easy, centralized management – The McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) platform is the centralized management console for deploying policies, managing security alerts, and viewing automated reports.

Enhanced security powered by McAfee Global Threat Intelligence – McAfee Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) is a comprehensive cloud-based threat intelligence service. Already integrated into McAfee security products, it works in real time, 24 hours a day, to protect customers against cyberthreats across all vectors – file, web, message, and network. McAfee GTI offers the broadest threat data, most robust data correlation, and most complete product integration in the industry. McAfee’s GTI network allows enabled products to evaluate challenges on multiple vectors in real time, leading to faster identification of threats and higher capture rates. VirusScan Enterprise uses the McAfee GTI file reputation service to identify suspicious files before they are necessarily identified as carrying malicious payloads.

Unique features

  • Access Control feature: This program has the most advanced Access Control feature compared to other software and Allows the user to make any hands Thirty restrict apps and sites.

  • McAfee Global Threat Intelligence technology : The combination of cloud search and behavioral technology makes this software unique; All infected and malicious files are compared by the advanced cloud system and the best way to block them is to introduce them to the user.

  • Memory Scan feature: In addition to the hard disk contents, this program is able to search all the information written in temporary memories such as RAM to block them before they become infected and spread on the hard disk.

  • Failure to disable the main software engine: One of the unique features of this software is that it cannot be disabled under almost any circumstances, even if all the modules of this program fail with malicious files, the program can save the system and cause less damage to the program. Enter the system.

  • Review of all installed software: Another special feature of this program is that most anti-viruses to increase search speed and not reduce system performance, reject software that runs under the name of Microsoft in Windows and release them but this software The software controls and does not rent all Microsoft products so that malicious files called Microsoft can enter the system.

Note: If you are looking for a simple, small and powerful security software that can be installed and updated without any hassle, we recommend this software.

System Requirements


  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8 Patch 1 (8.1) Update 1
  • Windows 8 Patch 1 (8.1)
  • Windows 8 (Win NT 6.2) Editions: Basic / Pro / Enterprise
  • Windows 7 (Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate / Enterprise )
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP Home, Professional, Embedded (WEPOS), Tablet PC
  • Windows Embedded for Point of Service (WEPOS)
  • Windows XP Embedded (SP2)
  • Windows XP Tablet PC Edition (SP2)


  • Windows Sever 2012 (Win NT 6.2) Editions: Datacenter / Essentials / Foundation / Standard
  • Windows Server 2012 Release 2 (R2) Update 1
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Small Business Server 2011
  • Windows Embedded Standard 2009
  • Windows Server 2008, HyperV, Core, Datacenter, Storage Server, Cluster Server, Small Business Server
  • Windows Server 2003, Storage Server, Cluster Server, Datacenter, Small Business Server
  • VMware ESX, ESXi
  • Citrix XenDesktop and XenServer


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Installation Guide

  1. Install the software by running the SetupVSE.Exe file from the Setup folder.

  2. Restart your system.

  3. The software can be used without any restrictions.

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