Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.0.4.18 Download + Active / Activation

Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.0.4.18

Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.0.4.18 Download


Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 is one of Adobe’s products that has been specially designed and developed for professional film editing . With the CC version of this software, you can edit your videos faster than ever. Dozens of new features, including new Timeline design, improved multimedia file management, and accelerated color scheme, are included in this version of the software.

Key Features

  • Publishing to Adobe Stock
  • Improved integration with Audition
  • Improvements for working with virtual reality technologies
  • Support for next-generation equipment
  • Dynamic Link for the Group Projects tool
  • Enhanced support for native formats
  • And much more …

System Requirements

  • Processor: Intel® Intel 6thGen or newer CPU
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1703 or later (required)
  • RAM: 16 GB of RAM (32 GB recommended)
  • 4 GB of GPU VRAM
  • Hard disk space
  • Fast internal SSD (recommended) for app installation and cache – plus provisional space for media
  • Monitor resolution 1920 x 1080 or greater display resolution
  • Video card 32-bit video card

Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 Download

File Parameters Parameter Values
File name Adobe.Premiere.Pro.2020.u4.Multilingual.iso
File Size 1.66GB
File format ISO Image File
Download Magnet Link
Download Tools Download tools that support Magnet links
Download link Adobe.Premiere.Pro.2020.u4.Multilingual.iso

Installation Guide

  1. Load the image file Adobe.Premiere.Pro.2020.u4.Multilingual.iso, or unzip it.

  2. Start autoplay.exe to complete the software installation.
    Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 v14.0.4.18

  3. The software is Multilingual pre-activated version, so it can be directly used after installation.

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